Our customers frequently asked questions. Some of them are listed below. You may  find  possible answers to your concern or  question. If you don’t have an answer, feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to help you.

DGS is a Technology Solutions and consulting company, providing  IT Services,  Process Management and Digital Marketing for Businesses, Organizations and Residences. 

We have been helping customers across  all the United States and Internationally. We work with local Field Engineers to solve our customers  Field Services needs.

Our help desk support team are available 24/7/365. Our executive office  are opened Monday to Friday 9AM-7PM CDT and Saturday 9AM-2PM CDT.

Yes you can reschedule or cancel a service in compliance with our terms and Conditions

We offer a wide range of IT services. Feel free to contact us for your specific need and we’ll be more than happy to help you through.

 For our Field Services, you will receive a bill for the work performed and any materials you consent with the technicians to supply while onsite according to the Service Agreement. All other Service contrat  specify the payment options.

All out of scope tasks for our Field Services is addressed  under the Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Yes. DGS is a trade name used by DJICKS GLOBAL SERVICES, INC. and we are insured.

Yes, our services are guaranteed under the SLA term and conditions.

The service are charged according to the SLA

Yes we do.

Though we are not directly in the IT equipment selling business, we partner with hardware and software manufacturers and distributors to help our customers in purchasing and deploying IT Equipements. We provide RMA services for Emergency delivery.


Yes, Wherever you are in the USA, we can use our local Field Engineer (FE) to satisfy you.

Yes, We offer Managed services for Businesses and organizations. Find out More.